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- Production era - TOOUG 1949-current - ball & socket heads from 1926, " . . . the longest lived LEICA accessory . . . " -Lager
- Code names - 14320 Minipod (on left), TOOUG - 14100, shown extended, collapsed and with early FIAKU, ball head 14110 (red dot) and 1959 small black 14119 (on right)
- Current Ball Head code names - 14110 long silver - 14108 small silver - 14112 long black - 14109 small black
- Type - Small and folding tripods with various ball and socket adjusters; black crackle enamel; later gray enamel. With many stabilization uses - on table, shoulder, door or wall. As used in image below, the top bar looks like a clamping device for two screw-cameras to take stereo pictures.
- Accessories - 14076 cable release
- Reference - Page 85 of Dennis Laney's Leica 1984 Accessory Guide courtesy of Mike Butkus.