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Line 11: Line 11:
| GBWOO||No. 1 light yellow filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
| GBWOO||No. 1 light yellow filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
| GCHEO||Kodachrome flash filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1949-1950's || NY item
| GCHEO||Kodachrome flash filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1949-19?? || NY item
| GCHEOMI||Kodachrome flash filter; screw-on type E39 ||ca.1949-1950's || NY item
| GCHEOMI||Kodachrome flash filter; screw-on type E39 ||ca.1949-19?? || NY item
| GCOOL||No. 2 yellow filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
| GCOOL||No. 2 yellow filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
Line 35: Line 35:
| GHOOF||Graduated yellow filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
| GHOOF||Graduated yellow filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
| GIIBR||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GIIBR||Microphotography 18 inch cable release for MIKAS with set screw mount||1939-19??|| -
| GIIEF||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GIIEF||Microphotography 1/3x conical extension tube for MIKAS with screw-mount||1939-19??|| -
| GIIEF-M||Microphotography 18 inch cable release for MIKAS with M-mount||1939-1950's|| -
| GIIEF-M||Microphotography 1/3x conical extension tube for MIKAS with M-mount||1939-19??|| -
| GIIFT||Microphotography 18 inch cable release for MIKAS with screw-mount||1939-1950's|| -
| GIIFT||Microphotography 18 inch cable release for MIKAS with screw-mount||1939-19??|| -
| GIIMW||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GIIMW||Microphotography 1/2x conical extension tube for MIKAS with screw-mount||1939-19??|| -
| GIIMW-M||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GIIMW-M||Microphotography 1/2x conical extension tube for MIKAS with M-mount||1956-19??|| -
| GIINK||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GIINK||Microphotography 1x conical extension tube for MIKAS with screw-mount||1939-19??|| -
| GIIOX||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GIIOX||Single exposure housing without shutter||1939-1940's|| NY item
| GILOO||Graduated green filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
| GILOO||Graduated green filter; screw-on type L ||ca.1939 || -
| GOOEF||[[Leica IIIg]] body||19xx-19xx|| -
| GMOOA||[[Leica IIIg]] with [[Summarit f= 5 cm 1:1.5]] SOOIA ||1957-1970|| -
| GOORM||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GOOCE||[[Leica IIIg]] with ELMAR||1957-1970|| -
| GOOSZ||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GOOEF||[[Leica IIIg]] body||1957-1970|| -
| GOOZO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GOOEL||[[Leica IIIg]] with [[Elmar f= 5 cm 1:2.8]] (ELMOO)||1957-1970|| -
| GRBOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GOOMI||[[Leica IIIg]] with [[Summicron (I) f= 5 cm 1:2]] (SOOIC)||1957-1970|| -
| GROOW||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| [[GOORM]]||Copy stand arm for 1 1/4 inch column with tape measure for rotating stage [[OORES]] or 250 stage GRBOO||1938-ca.1950|| -
| GVKOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| GOOSZ||Complete copy stand with GOOZQ arm for 1 1/4 inch column with tape measure for rotating stage [[OORES]] either direct or with ball and socket KAGOON head||1938-ca.1950|| -
| GOOZQ||Copy stand arm for 1 1/4 inch column with tape measure for rotating stage [[OORES]] either direct or with ball and socket KAGOON head||1938-1950|| -
| GRBOO||Sliding stage for [[Leica 250 (models DD, FF & GG)]]||1935-ca.1950|| -
| GROOW||Basic copy stand with spring mounted base plate||19??-19??|| -
| GVKOO||30 mm extension ring G for ZWTOO-HESUM||19??-19??|| -
| |||||| -
| |||||| -
| HEBOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HAKOSYN|| Flash synchronization attachment for an unmodified [[M3]]||19??-19??|| -
| [[HEBOO]]||Slow speed shutter release for 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 s in nickel or later chrome||1935-1969|| -
| HEFAM||[[Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5]] black M-mount||1954-1960|| -
| HEFAM||[[Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5]] black M-mount||1954-1960|| HEFAR-M
| HEFAM-CHROM||[[Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5]] chrome M-mount||1954-1960|| -
| HEFAM-CHROM||[[Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5]] chrome M-mount||1954-1960|| -
| HEFAM-KUP||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HEFAM-KUP|||[[Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5]] nickel ||1933|| -
| HEFAR||[[Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5]] chrome||1933-1959|| -
| HEFAR||[[Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5]] chrome||1933-1959|| -
Line 85: Line 95:
| HEKTO||[[Hektor f= 5 cm 1:2.5]] nickel or chrome||1930-1936|| -
| HEKTO||[[Hektor f= 5 cm 1:2.5]] nickel or chrome||1930-1936|| -
| HEPET||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HEPET||Close-up supplementary front lens no. 3 for Hektor 5 cm||1928-1950's|| -
| HEPIK||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HEPIK||Close-up supplementary front lens no. 2 for Hektor 5 cm||1928-1950's|| -
| HEPRO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HEPRO||Close-up supplementary front lens no. 1 for Hektor 5 cm||1928-1950's|| -
| HFOOK||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HFOOK||Short-base clip-on rangefinder for Leica models A, B & C||1920's-ca.1936|| -
| HGOOI||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HGOOI||Rear cover for 125 mm Hektor||1930's-1960's|| 14053
| HIIBE||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HIIBE||Stand for photographing small objects; with adjusment by rack and pinion; with rotation and tilt||1939-19??|| -
| HIKOU|| ?Hector 2.5/12.5cm?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HIKOO|| [[f = 12.5 cm 1:2.5 Hektor]] Visoflex lens||1954-1963|| -
| HKMOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HKMOO||With front cap ORPNO and rear cap HGOOI was a container for [[f = 12.5 cm 1:2.5 Hektor]]||1954-1963|| 12532
| HMOOD||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| HMOOD||Hood for  90 mm Summicron||1957-19??|| -
| HOOAR||Yellow no. 0 very light filter; screw-on type E39 ||ca.1955 || 13081
| HOOAR||Yellow no. 0 very light filter; screw-on type E39 ||ca.1955 || 13081
Line 127: Line 137:
| |||||| -
| |||||| -
| IASUU||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IASUU||Stereo polarizing spectacles in a plastic frame||19??-19??|| -
| IBSOR||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IBSOR||Single exposure shutter used with OLEYO and OLIGO housings||1939-19??|| NY item
| IDCOO||[[M3]] leather ready case||19xx-19xx|| -
| IDCOO||[[M3]] leather ready case||19??-19??|| -
| IFLEX||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IFLEX||Micro version of Visoflex I with rotating film holder in screw and bayonet versions||1953-19??|| -
| IFSTA||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IFSTA||Adjustable filter stand copy accessory||1939-19??|| -
| IGEMO||[[M3]] body||19xx-19xx|| -
| IGEMO||[[M3]] body||1954-1968|| -
| ILNOO||[[Elmar (II) f= 9 cm 1:4]] collapsible||19xx-19xx|| -
| ILNOO||[[Elmar (II) f= 9 cm 1:4]] collapsible||19??-19??|| -
| ILNOO-M||[[90mm f/4 Elmar]] collapsible M-mount||1954-1968|| -
| ILNOO-M||[[90mm f/4 Elmar]] collapsible M-mount||1954-1968|| -
| ILLUM||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| ILLUM||Copy stand 2 pair lamp attachment for 2" diameter column||19??-19??|| NY item
| ILNUU||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| ILNUU||Stereo projection attachment for twin 85 mm Hektor lenses used with PRADO projectors ||19??-19??|| -
| IMARO||[[M3]] with [[F = 5 cm 1:3.5 Elmar]] ||19xx-19xx|| -
| IMARO||[[M3]] with [[F = 5 cm 1:3.5 Elmar]] ||1954-1968|| -
| IMFIN||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IMFIN||Universal viewfinder knon as "Imarect"||ca.1942-19xx|| NY item
| IMPUU||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IMOOP||[[MP and MP2]] body||1956-1959|| -
| IMPUU-IZOUU||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IMPUU||Stereo projection attachment for twin 50 mm Elmar lenses used with PRADO projectors ||19??-19??|| -
| IROOA||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IMPUU-IZOUU||Stereo projection attachment for twin 50 mm Elmar lenses used with PRADO 250 and 500 projectors ||19??-19??|| -
| IRZOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IROOA||Hood for 35 & 50 mm lenses with E39 mount; black with wide chrome band; earliest engraved "Summicron-" without code word; later versions had "IROOA"; last with catalog number||1959-19??|| 12571
| IRZUU||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IRZOO||M-mount adapter for using 35 & 50 mm Leica screw-thread on M-cameras||1956-19??|| 14097
| ISAIO||[[M3]] with [[F = 5 cm 1:1.5 Summarit]]||19xx-19xx|| -
| IRZUU||Stereo projection attachment for twin 100 mm Hektor lenses used with PRADO projectors ||19??-19??|| -
| ISBOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| ISAIO||[[M3]] with [[F = 5 cm 1:1.5 Summarit]]||1954-1968|| -
| ISBUU||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| ISBOO||M-mount adapter for using 90 mm Leica screw-thread on M-cameras||1956-19??|| 14098
| ISOOZ||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| ISBUU||Stereo projection attachment for twin 120 mm Hektor lenses used with PRADO projectors ||19??-19??|| -
| ISUMO||[[M3]] with [[F = 5 cm 1:2 Summicron II]]||19xx-19xx|| -
| ISOOZ||M-mount adapter for using 135 mm Leica screw-thread on M-cameras||1956-19??|| 14099
| ITDOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| ISUMO||[[M3]] with [[F = 5 cm 1:2 Summicron II]]||1954-1968|| -
| ITOOY||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| [[ITDOO]]||Hood for 3.5 cm Summaron and 5 cm Summicron with narrow chrome band and velvet lining for reverse positioning||1956-19??|| -
| IUFOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| ITOOY||Hood for 3 cm Elmar with E39 front flange; early version engraved "Elmar-"; late version with wide chrome band||1956-19??|| 12580
| IUOOP||[[MP and MP2]]||1956-1959|| -
| IUFOO||Hood for 9 cm Elmar and 135 Hektor; black with narrow chrome band at lens; wider chrome band; all black last version ||1956-19??|| 12575
| IVZOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IVZOO||Cap that screws into M-mount body||19??-19??|| 14056
| IWKOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IWKOO||Hood for [[Super-Angulon f= 2.1 cm 1:4]] with double trigger fastening||1960-19??|| 12502
| IXMOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IXMOO||Reloadable metal cassette with chrome tab; new version||1966-19??|| 14006
| IZQOO||?||19xx-19xx|| -
| IZQOO||Rear dust cover for M-thread lens||19??-19??|| 14051

Latest revision as of 01:04, 20 January 2010

Illustrations and extensive description of the items listed below can be seen in Dennis Laney's definitive Leica 1984 Accessory Guide courtesy of Mike Butkus

Leica Code Description Production Year Remarks
GBOOM No. 0 very light yellow filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GBWOO No. 1 light yellow filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GCHEO Kodachrome flash filter; screw-on type L ca.1949-19?? NY item
GCHEOMI Kodachrome flash filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1949-19?? NY item
GCOOL No. 2 yellow filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GCSKYMI Kodachrome skylight filter; screw-on type L ca.1949-1950's NY item
GCYOD Panchromatic no. 2 green filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GCYOO Panchromatic no. 1 green filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GDOOK Orange filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GECOO Infra-red no. 1 light filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GFEOO Infra-red no. 2 medium filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GFOOH Infra-red no. 3 dark filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GHIOO UVa filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GHOOF Graduated yellow filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GIIBR Microphotography 18 inch cable release for MIKAS with set screw mount 1939-19?? -
GIIEF Microphotography 1/3x conical extension tube for MIKAS with screw-mount 1939-19?? -
GIIEF-M Microphotography 1/3x conical extension tube for MIKAS with M-mount 1939-19?? -
GIIFT Microphotography 18 inch cable release for MIKAS with screw-mount 1939-19?? -
GIIMW Microphotography 1/2x conical extension tube for MIKAS with screw-mount 1939-19?? -
GIIMW-M Microphotography 1/2x conical extension tube for MIKAS with M-mount 1956-19?? -
GIINK Microphotography 1x conical extension tube for MIKAS with screw-mount 1939-19?? -
GIIOX Single exposure housing without shutter 1939-1940's NY item
GILOO Graduated green filter; screw-on type L ca.1939 -
GMOOA Leica IIIg with Summarit f= 5 cm 1:1.5 SOOIA 1957-1970 -
GOOCE Leica IIIg with ELMAR 1957-1970 -
GOOEF Leica IIIg body 1957-1970 -
GOOEL Leica IIIg with Elmar f= 5 cm 1:2.8 (ELMOO) 1957-1970 -
GOOMI Leica IIIg with Summicron (I) f= 5 cm 1:2 (SOOIC) 1957-1970 -
GOORM Copy stand arm for 1 1/4 inch column with tape measure for rotating stage OORES or 250 stage GRBOO 1938-ca.1950 -
GOOSZ Complete copy stand with GOOZQ arm for 1 1/4 inch column with tape measure for rotating stage OORES either direct or with ball and socket KAGOON head 1938-ca.1950 -
GOOZQ Copy stand arm for 1 1/4 inch column with tape measure for rotating stage OORES either direct or with ball and socket KAGOON head 1938-1950 -
GRBOO Sliding stage for Leica 250 (models DD, FF & GG) 1935-ca.1950 -
GROOW Basic copy stand with spring mounted base plate 19??-19?? -
GVKOO 30 mm extension ring G for ZWTOO-HESUM 19??-19?? -
HAKOSYN Flash synchronization attachment for an unmodified M3 19??-19?? -
HEBOO Slow speed shutter release for 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 s in nickel or later chrome 1935-1969 -
HEFAM Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5 black M-mount 1954-1960 HEFAR-M
HEFAM-CHROM Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5 chrome M-mount 1954-1960 -
HEFAM-KUP Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5 nickel 1933 -
HEFAR Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5 chrome 1933-1959 -
HEGRA Hektor f= 7.3 cm 1:1.9 black lacquer & chrome 1934-1946 -
HEKON Hektor f= 7.3 cm 1:1.9 black lacquer & nickel 1931-1933 -
HEKTO Hektor f= 5 cm 1:2.5 nickel or chrome 1930-1936 -
HEPET Close-up supplementary front lens no. 3 for Hektor 5 cm 1928-1950's -
HEPIK Close-up supplementary front lens no. 2 for Hektor 5 cm 1928-1950's -
HEPRO Close-up supplementary front lens no. 1 for Hektor 5 cm 1928-1950's -
HFOOK Short-base clip-on rangefinder for Leica models A, B & C 1920's-ca.1936 -
HGOOI Rear cover for 125 mm Hektor 1930's-1960's 14053
HIIBE Stand for photographing small objects; with adjusment by rack and pinion; with rotation and tilt 1939-19?? -
HIKOO f = 12.5 cm 1:2.5 Hektor Visoflex lens 1954-1963 -
HKMOO With front cap ORPNO and rear cap HGOOI was a container for f = 12.5 cm 1:2.5 Hektor 1954-1963 12532
HMOOD Hood for 90 mm Summicron 1957-19?? -
HOOAR Yellow no. 0 very light filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 13081
HOOBE Yellow no. 1 light filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 13086
HOOCS Infra-red no. 1 light filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 -
HOODF Infra-red no. 2 medium filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 -
HOOET Infra-red no. 3 dark filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 -
HOOFG Panchromatic filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 -
HOOGU Orange filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 -
HOOIV UVa filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 -
HOOKI Blue filter; screw-on type E39 ca.1955 13098
HOOPY Hektor f= 2.8 cm 1:6.3 nickel 1935-1936 -
HOOPY-CHROM Hektor f= 2.8 cm 1:6.3 chrome 1936-1955 -
IASUU Stereo polarizing spectacles in a plastic frame 19??-19?? -
IBSOR Single exposure shutter used with OLEYO and OLIGO housings 1939-19?? NY item
IDCOO M3 leather ready case 19??-19?? -
IFLEX Micro version of Visoflex I with rotating film holder in screw and bayonet versions 1953-19?? -
IFSTA Adjustable filter stand copy accessory 1939-19?? -
IGEMO M3 body 1954-1968 -
ILNOO Elmar (II) f= 9 cm 1:4 collapsible 19??-19?? -
ILNOO-M 90mm f/4 Elmar collapsible M-mount 1954-1968 -
ILLUM Copy stand 2 pair lamp attachment for 2" diameter column 19??-19?? NY item
ILNUU Stereo projection attachment for twin 85 mm Hektor lenses used with PRADO projectors 19??-19?? -
IMARO M3 with F = 5 cm 1:3.5 Elmar 1954-1968 -
IMFIN Universal viewfinder knon as "Imarect" ca.1942-19xx NY item
IMOOP MP and MP2 body 1956-1959 -
IMPUU Stereo projection attachment for twin 50 mm Elmar lenses used with PRADO projectors 19??-19?? -
IMPUU-IZOUU Stereo projection attachment for twin 50 mm Elmar lenses used with PRADO 250 and 500 projectors 19??-19?? -
IROOA Hood for 35 & 50 mm lenses with E39 mount; black with wide chrome band; earliest engraved "Summicron-" without code word; later versions had "IROOA"; last with catalog number 1959-19?? 12571
IRZOO M-mount adapter for using 35 & 50 mm Leica screw-thread on M-cameras 1956-19?? 14097
IRZUU Stereo projection attachment for twin 100 mm Hektor lenses used with PRADO projectors 19??-19?? -
ISAIO M3 with F = 5 cm 1:1.5 Summarit 1954-1968 -
ISBOO M-mount adapter for using 90 mm Leica screw-thread on M-cameras 1956-19?? 14098
ISBUU Stereo projection attachment for twin 120 mm Hektor lenses used with PRADO projectors 19??-19?? -
ISOOZ M-mount adapter for using 135 mm Leica screw-thread on M-cameras 1956-19?? 14099
ISUMO M3 with F = 5 cm 1:2 Summicron II 1954-1968 -
ITDOO Hood for 3.5 cm Summaron and 5 cm Summicron with narrow chrome band and velvet lining for reverse positioning 1956-19?? -
ITOOY Hood for 3 cm Elmar with E39 front flange; early version engraved "Elmar-"; late version with wide chrome band 1956-19?? 12580
IUFOO Hood for 9 cm Elmar and 135 Hektor; black with narrow chrome band at lens; wider chrome band; all black last version 1956-19?? 12575
IVZOO Cap that screws into M-mount body 19??-19?? 14056
IWKOO Hood for Super-Angulon f= 2.1 cm 1:4 with double trigger fastening 1960-19?? 12502
IXMOO Reloadable metal cassette with chrome tab; new version 1966-19?? 14006
IZQOO Rear dust cover for M-thread lens 19??-19?? 14051