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Leica Code Description Production Year Remarks
SAIOO "Sports" viewfinder for Hektor f= 7.3 cm 1:1.9 lens ? -
SAMWO F = 3.5 cm 1:2 Summicron I for M3 1958-1969 11 108 - 9,557 pieces
SAWOM 35mm f/2 Summicron II for M2 1958-1969 11 308 – 11,935 pieces
SAWOO Summicron (I) f= 3.5 cm 1:2 1958-1963 11 008 ~500 pieces
SBLOO Finder for SOONC-M Summaron f= 3.5 cm 1:3.5 ca.1956-1960 -
SCNOO Rapid winder for Leica IIIa (model G), Leica IIIb ca.1937 -
SEROO "Sports" viewfinder for 9 cm lens ? -
SEOOF Summicron (I) f= 9 cm 1:2 1959-1962
SEOOF-M Summicron (I) f= 9 cm 1:2 made in Canada only
SEOOM Summicron (II) f= 9 cm 1:2 1959-1979 -
SGVOO 90mm viewfinder/bright finder (12025) 1951-? -
SIMOM Summaron f= 35 mm 1:2.8 for M3 1958-1974 -
SIMOO Summaron f= 3.5 cm 1:3.5 1958-1963 -
SIMOW Summaron f= 35 mm 1:2.8 for M2 1958-1974 -
SIUUB-Glas Parvo 100 / Prado 100 projector with Hektor 2.5/8.5cm 1949-1950 -
SLOOZ Viewfinder, 28 mm, black or chrome 1960-? 12007
SMUUY Parvo 100 / Prado 100 projector with condenser I (f. 7.3-10cm) 1949/ 1950 -
SNOOX Summaron f= 2.8 cm 1:5.6 1955-1963 -
SOMKY Close focus accessory for collapsible version of the Summicron or Elmar 50mm lens, and with the front element of the fixed Summicron with the use of an adapter called UOORF ? also called SOOKY-M
SOMNI Summicron (II) f= 5 cm 1:2 1956-1968 11 818
SOOBK Hood for Summaron f= 2.8 cm 1:5.6 ca.1955-1963 -
SOOCX Summarex f= 8.5 cm 1:1.5 1948-1960 -
SOODL Viewfinder, 50 mm ca.1950 -
SOOHN Hood for Hektor f= 2.8 cm 1:6.3 ca.1935-1955 -
SOOIA Summarit f= 5 cm 1:1.5 1949-1960 -
SOOIA-M F = 5 cm 1:1.5 Summarit 1952-?
SOOIC Summicron (I) f= 5 cm 1:2 1953-1960 -
SOOKY Close focus accessory for rangefinder Elmar 5c lens with parallax ? -
SOOME Summilux (I) f= 5 cm 1:1.4 1959-1961 -
SOONC Summaron f= 3.5 cm 1:3.5 1948-1960 -
SOONC-M Summaron f= 3.5 cm 1:3.5 1956-1960 -
SOONC-MW Summaron f= 3.5 cm 1:3.5 with viewfinder for the M3 1956-1960 -
SOONC-MT Summaron f= 3.5 cm 1:3.5 with viewfinder for the M2 1957-1960 -
SOORE Summitar f= 5 cm 1:2 1939-1955 -
SOOZI Summicron (I) f= 9 cm 1:2 1957-1959 -
SUMAR Summar f= 5 cm 1:2 1933-1940 -
SUOON Super-Angulon f= 2.1 cm 1:4 1958-1963 -
SUUHN Parvo 100 / Prado 100 projector with condenser II (f. 5cm Summar/ Sumwithar) 1949-1950 -
SUUAI Parvo 100 / Prado 100 projector with condenser III (f. 5cm Elmar/ Summar) 1949-1950 -
SUUZI Film strip holder for projectors 1952 -
SYEOO "Sports" viewfinder for 13.5 cm lens ? -
SYOOM Rapid winder for Leica IIIf or Leica IIIg ca.1953 -
TLCOO F = 40 cm 1:5 Telyt II 1956-1966 -
TELOO F = 20 cm 1:4 Telyt 1956-1966 -
TOODY Thambar f= 9 cm 1:2.2 1935-1939 -
TUVOO Attachment for VIOOH viewfinder for 2.8 cm lenses ? -
UCEGU Pradovit I with Dimaron 2.8/100mm 1960 -
UCFKU Pradovit I with Colorplan 2.5/90mm 1960 -
UCNXU Pradovit f with Dimaron 2.8/100mm 1960 -
UCPLU Pradovit f with Colorplan 2.5/90mm 1960 -
UCWQU 1960 -
UDCBU Pradovit f with Dimaron 2.8/150mm 1960 -
UDLSU 1960 -
UMHDU Pradovit f with Dimaron 2.8/100mm, at 60Hz switchable 1960 -
UMIQU Pradovit f with Colorplan 2.5/90mm, at 60 Hz. switchable 1960 -
UMKHU Pradovit f with Hektor 2.5/120mm, at 60 Hz. switchable 1960 -
UMLKU Pradovit f with Dimaron 2.8/150mm, at 60 Hz. switchable 1960 -
UMNOU Pradovit f with Hektor 2.5/150mm, at 60 Hz. switchable 1960 -
UCHRU Protective metal hood for Pradovit I 1960 -
UCSHU Remote control cable 4m long 1960 -
UGPXU Remote control cable 10m long 1960 -
UGQZU Remote control cable 15m long 1960 -
UGRBU Remote control cable 20m long 1960 -
UDGKU Plywood case for projector plus accessories and 150mm lenses 1960 -
UEOXU Slide magazine for 30 slides 1960 -
UFBXU 5 magazine cassette 1960 -
UDWPU Transparent container for 2 slide magazines 1960 -
UDXRU Transparent containers with 2 magazines 1960 -
UFTGU 2 slide magazines for 50 slides incl. cardboard 1960 -
UDKQU Second heat protection filter, including 500-watt lamp 1960 -
UKGDU Synchronous circuit with tape 1960 -
UHPWU Multiple connector for tape device and cable 1960 -
UOOND Adapter ring used to mount Leica M lens and Viso II or Viso III accessories to Viso I or PLOOT reflex housings. It can also be used to mount M lens on screw mount extension tube or copy device like Focoslide for close-up work. The screw mount version is UUOYW ? 16596
UOOPE Spannungsreduzierer with voltmeter to extend the life of AKTOO projector bulb ? -
UOORE Adapter to use the lens head of the rigid 50mm Summicron on BOOWU-M ? 16508
UOORF Adapter ring for the lens head of the rigid Summicron 50 with SOOKY or SOMKY 1960 16508
UOOVH Lens adapter ring for the head of Hector and Elmar 135mm ? 16580
UOOWV Lens Adapter Ring for heads and the Elmarit 90mm Elmar ? 16585
UOOXI Adapter Ring Lens fü the head of the 125mm Hektor 1958 16572
UOOYW Bellows connecting ring for I and II ? 16590 N
UOOZK Adapter ring for the head of the Summicron 90 mm 1960 16598
UOSWU Horizontal slider for Prado S and SM ? -
UUOYW Adapter ring and tube ? -
UYOOQ Fiber case with Visoflex I, bellows and accessories ? -
VEZUK Curved lateral holder to support the camera when used vertically ca.1933 -
VIDEO Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 7.3cm, 10.5cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VIDOM Universal viewfinder for the focal lengths 3.5-13.5 cm with non-zoom, mirror-image 1933-1939
VIEFF Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 7.3cm, 9cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VIEME Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 7.3cm, 13.5cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VIFUR Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 13.5cm lenses 1933-1936 black or chrome
VIGEH Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 7.3cm, 9cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VIHEU Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm lenses 1932- black
VILLO Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 7.3cm, 9cm, 13.5cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VIKAN Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 7.3cm, 9cm, 13.5cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VIOOH Universal viewfinder (12015) for the focal lengths 3.5-13.5 cm 1940-1964 reaches 2.8 cm with TUVOO add-on
VISET Torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 9cm, 13.5cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VISAX Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 9cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VISET Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 9cm, 13.5cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VISOR The first, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 13.5cm lenses 1931-1931 black
VISSI Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 9cm lenses 1932-1933 black
VITRE Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 10.5cm lenses 1933-1936 black or chrome
VIUNA Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 7.3cm lenses 1933-1936 black or chrome
VIZWO Small, torpedo shaped finder for 3.5cm, 5cm, 9cm lenses 1933-1936 black or chrome
WINKO Angle viewfinder for Standard Leica (model E) early versions have a larger eyecup 1929- black or chrome
WINTU Angle viewfinder for Leica II, III & IIIa with swing-in prism for right angle focus 1933- black or chrome
WOOLD Angle viewfinder for Standard Leica (model E) with additional interior prism 1938- black or chrome
WOOSU Angle viewfinder for Leica II, III & IIIa with swing-in prism for right angle focus with additional interior prism 1938- black or chrome
XEMOO Xenon f= 5 cm 1:1.5 (Schneider) 1936-1950 -
XOONS Lens hood for Summarit f= 5 cm 1:1.5 ca.1949-1960 -
YAROB Magnifying lens ? -
ZOOEP Short, chrome focusing mount for the Summicron M 2/90 mm to Visoflex II / III 16462